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Regardless of a company’s size, a well-thought-out marketing strategy is a critical part of a business’s opportunity for success. In today’s tech-driven world, traditional marketing tactics have evolved substantially, and the ability to reach new audiences is easier than ever before. In fact, the internet has allowed even the smallest brands to reach global audiences and expand their business outside of their domestic region. Of course, merely having internet access and a few business accounts on social media doesn’t mean a brand will successfully launch into the global market. It’s the strategy behind these tools that leads companies like Coca-Cola and Dunkin Donuts to successfully launch their brands into international markets. Let’s take a look at a few brands with excellent global marketing strategies.

Dunkin Donuts 

Originally established in the United States, Dunkin Donuts is a brand that does global marketing right. Since its flagship store opened in 1950, the famous doughnut and coffee shop has expanded to approximately 12,000 stores across 45 countries. What is it that contributes to the brand’s global success? It’s menu adaption to each local market it enters. One of the major keys to expanding into the international market is adapting to local tastes accordingly. So while a traditional flavor in the states, like Boston Cream is a popular go-to, the same may not apply to other locations like China or Thailand. To better appeal to locals’ tastes in new locations, Dunkin Donuts makes sure to provide consumers with location-specific options in addition to its traditional menu options. Exclusive location-based products can range from China’s “Dried Pork and Seaweed” doughnut to Japan’s “Mochi Ring” doughnut in flavors like green tea and mango.


Nike is an internationally recognized sports apparel brand that was established in the United States in 1964. Since its entrance into the market, the company has expanded to working with over 600 factory partnerships and has over 1,000 retail stores globally. One of Nike’s best global marketing tactics is its use of regionally-based social channels, like Weibo, a popular social network used in China, in addition to the more “Western” platforms like Facebook and Twitter. Doing this helps the brand better connect with international consumers that may be utilizing other social media channels. Additionally, Nike’s NikeID co-creation platform is another excellent example of their successful global marketing strategy. The platform allows consumers the capability to customize their products based on personal and cultural preferences. The brand also holds various strategic international sponsorships that contribute to its success in global expansion.  


As one of the most recognizable brands in the world, Coca-Cola holds an exceptional global marketing strategy that’s named the brand an industry leader in both marketing and sales. Coca-Cola hones in on its international marketing in more ways than one. From a heavy focus on social media engagement and connecting with consumers to its personalization efforts on campaigns like “Share a Coke.” The “Share a Coke” campaign personalizes Coke products with the countries most popular names. Consumers are encouraged to find personalized products and share them amongst friends and on social media platforms. The campaign has proven to be an effective branding tactic and an excellent way to increase brand awareness.